Connie B. Eaton
Tax Return Preparer
Individual tax and probate accounting, new business filings.
Prior Experience:
Joined the firm in 1983.
BS Castleton State College
A Vermont native, Connie left the state for a while but, like so many others, returned to raise her family in this place she loves so much. She began as an administrator at the firm in 1983, and evolved into a highly proficient tax return preparer. She is a member of the Vermont Tax Practitioners Association.
Connie lives in Middletown Springs where she is a Sunday School teacher and serves on the Board of Deacons/Deaconess. She and her husband Kevin have a daughter, Caitlyn, in college and a son, Connor in high school. They also have an Australian Shepherd named Shadow.
Contact: ceaton@slsvt.com